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As weather conditions become increasingly unpredictable, it is important to have season-long support to help ensure performance come harvest. The Artesian® trait is built with scientifically selected genes to manage gaps in rainfall for season-long drought protection.

Maximize Yield When It Rains and Increase Yield When It Doesn’t

Manage Gaps in Rainfall

Multiple genes for season-long drought protection backed by top-end yield potential in productive conditions.

Enhanced Yield Stability

Outyields other hybrids by nearly 12% during severe and extreme drought conditions.1

Improved Water Optimization

Built with scientifically selected genes that enable the plant to convert water to grain more effectively than other hybrids.

Science of Drought Tolerance

In developing Artesian corn hybrids, Syngenta employs a unique scientific process to select, validate and deploy natural corn genes that help the plant optimize water. Artesian corn hybrids carry elite genetics that respond to water stress in multiple ways and at any stage of growth, allowing the corn plant to produce top yields on varying acres—regardless of the weather.

Impact of Insufficient Water
The Impact of the Artesian Trait
Can delay silk emergence, resulting in unsuccessful fertilization
Better regulate synchronization of pollen shed and silking resulting in successful fertilization
May produce fewer carbohydrates, resulting in less harvestable grain to fill the ear
Better control of how resources are allocated within the plant, increasing the volume of harvestable grain per ear
May cause leaves to wilt and curl, disrupting photosynthesis and normal plant development
Maintain normal growth and development longer into a dry spell
May inhibit cell expansion and division within the plant, resulting in reduced plant height and ear size
Optimize growth and health of developing shoot and floral tissues
Can reduce plant’s uptake of water and soluble nutrients
Improve water and nutrient uptake through robust root system

See the Results

Artesian (left) vs Check (Non-Artesian Hybrid) (right)
Hawarden, Iowa | 2012

Artesian (left) vs Check (Non-Artesian Hybrid) (right)
Woodland, California | 2013

Water Optimization Portfolio

Many trait stacks are available in a simple E-Z Refuge® seed blend, offering a convenient in-bag refuge and in combination with above- and above- and below-ground trait stacks for comprehensive insect control.

Multiple genes for season-long drought protection backed by top-end yield potential in productive conditions.


Our corn traits portfolio is available through Syngenta Seed brands

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