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Above-Ground Insect Control

Above-ground pests can cause significant damage to ear quality and leave your crops vulnerable to potential disease pressure — all impacting your yield potential. With our above-ground trait portfolio get superior control of 13 above-ground pests, including corn earworm and western bean cutworm.

The Industry's Most Effective Above-Ground Insect Control

More Protection

Controlling major leaf-, stalk- and ear-feeding corn insects, and the only trait in the industry to control western bean cutworm.1

Improved Quality

Results in reduced insect-feeding damage, better crop stand and higher grain quality due to lower incidences of mold and mycotoxin development.

Increased Yield Potential

Viptera® provides above-ground protection for a 7.3 Bu/A average advantage.2

See How Viptera Stacks Up

The Viptera trait stack provides better, more complete control of feeding insects. Get cleaner, healthier ears compared to non-traited hybrids.

Hybrid without Viptera

Taking on the Toughest Pests

Western bean cutworm and corn earworm can cause major crop loss. It is essential to make sure you have the right tools and strategy to protect your seeds from the start.

westbean-cutworm Viptera(left) vs Non-traited Hybrids (center and right) WBC pressure

Western Bean Cutworm

  • Infestations may occur over the span of several weeks, requiring multiple scouting visits and treatments.
  • Timing of treatment is critical. After larvae enter the ear, they cannot be effectively managed with insecticides.
  • Viptera is the only trait that effectively controls western bean cutworm.
westbean-cutworm Viptera(left) vs Non-traited Hybrids(right)
Palmyra, Missouri | 2022
WBC pressure

Corn Earworm

  • Corn earworm is one of the most destructive corn pests in the United States with two to three generations of corn earworm each season.
  • Damage provides an easy access point for other diseases and pests that can cause additional ear damage or quality problems.
  • Viptera provides better, more complete control of corn earworm.

Take Control of 13 Above-Ground Insects

Insect Viptera® Trait Stacks* Optimum® AcreMax® VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® PowerCore®
Corn Earworm

Black Cutworm

Fall Armyworm

Western Bean Cutworm

Dingy Cutworm

Common Stalk Borer

Lesser Cornstalk Borer

Southern Cornstalk Borer

True Armyworm

Beet Armyworm

Sugarcane Borer

European Corn Borer

Southwestern Corn Borer

Insect Control Scale

  • Blank = Unavailable
  • [-]= No Effect
  • [+] = Some
  • [++] = Good
  • [+++] = Very Good
  • [++++] = Excellent

Full Above-Ground Trait Portfolio

Many trait stacks are available in a simple E-Z Refuge® seed blend, offering a convenient in-bag refuge and in combination with water optimizing Artesian® corn hybrids.

The industry's most effective above-ground insect control for major leaf-, stalk- and ear-feeding corn insects, including western bean cutworm.


Get comprehensive above-ground insect control with an alternate mode of action on key lepidopteran pests.

Multiple modes of action against corn border and suppression of ear-fleeding insects.

Additional Resources

Our corn traits portfolio is available through Syngenta Seed brands

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