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Sustainability Champions

Sustainability Champions commit themselves to developing solutions that advance the three-pronged goal of helping farmers succeed, protecting the environment and assuring society that we are focused on meeting their needs for the long term.

Sustainability Champion Stories

Within Syngenta, there are countless people committed to advancing growers’ success. These Sustainability Champions are just a few examples of these proactive and dedicated individuals.

headshot of Kyle Kuechel

Kyle Kuechel

AgriEdge Lead

Hailing from his father’s fifth-generation citrus farm in Yuma, Arizona, Kyle Kuechel has a passion for delivering value for growers and instilling confidence in Syngenta’s solutions and services. Having served as an AgriEdge Specialist for five years and now an AgriEdge Lead, he has spent his career forging partnerships with a diverse set of growers across the West Coast – from Southern California to Arizona, all the way to Hawaii.

Engaging primarily with specialty vegetable growers who sell directly to retail locations, Kyle has gained expertise in helping growers track each step of the production process to ensure that our food is grown safely and with as little impact on the environment as possible. Notably, many growers in his region are operating in challenging desert environments where he supports them in helping to maximize yields while conserving water, and other natural resources in the process.

headshot of Haylley Johnson

Haylley Johnson

Regional Category Manager

Throughout her career, Haylley Johnson has adhered to the philosophy that “every little bit counts,” a mindset she brings to her work as a Category Manager in Indirect Procurement at Syngenta, where she works with suppliers to ensure that the company’s needs are met.

As an undergraduate student at the University of Vermont, Haylley’s passion for sustainability blossomed through conversations with growers and restaurateurs at her local farmer’s market. During this time, she worked for a professor researching coffee farmers, an experience that showed her how small operational changes could improve growers’ livelihoods and enrich their communities. “I learned that the way companies do business can have a real impact on people, and it inspired me to get more involved,” she said. This budding interest led her to pursue a career in business and to study sustainable enterprises during her Master’s in Business Administration program. Today, her role at Syngenta is a culmination of her experiences and interest in building resilient food systems.

headshot of Tyson Walters

Tyson Walters

Seeds Procurement Manager

Tyson Walters is a man of many hats. In addition to his roles as a Procurement Manager at Syngenta and fourth generation -farmer, he would tell you that he’s most proud to be a self-proclaimed “decent dad.”

A key to Tyson’s longstanding career is building relationships with growers, which is backed by decades of experience in learning what does and doesn’t work for their operation. Using insights from countless conversations, he has been at the forefront of crafting incentives that encourage growers to adopt sustainable practices - efforts that have led to positive outcomes in soil and water sustainability across North America. Since Tyson’s tenure with the Seeds Procurement team in 2021, the number of corn acres in North America seed corn enrolled in their sustainability program has increased from around 40 to 70 percent, leading them to set their sights on hitting the 80 percent mark within a year.