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Discover 5-15 More Bushels an Acre with Acuron Corn Herbicide.

Acuron® outperforms and outyields other corn herbicides because of its unique combination of powerful weed control, long-lasting residual and proven crop safety. Healthy, weed-free corn can focus on growth and grain fill, which is why Acuron is the only corn herbicide shown in replicated trials to outyield competitors by 5‐15 bu/A.*

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Product Details

Acuron Herbicide

Only Acuron outperforms and outyields all other corn herbicides. With four effective herbicide active ingredients (AIs), including the unique component bicyclopyrone, Acuron provides season-long weed control to help fully protect your corn’s yield potential.

Active Ingredients:

S-metolachlor, Atrazine*, Mesotrione, Bicyclopyrone

Resistance Management:

Label Details

Weeds, Pests & Diseases
Special Labels
Worker Safety

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      Product Benefits

      Acuron - Powerful weed control.

      Powerful Weed Control

      Contains 4 active ingredients and 3 effective sites of action. The unique Syngenta active ingredient bicyclopyrone enables more consistent corn weed control across environments. And better weed control equals higher yield potential.

      Acuron - Longest-Lasting Residual.

      Long-Lasting Residual

      Delivers unmatched burndown and residual control of 70+ grass and broadleaf weeds such as: giant ragweed, jimsonweed, marestail (horseweed), Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. Season-long residual helps fully protect yield potential.

      Acuron - Proven Crop Safety.

      Proven Crop Safety

      Provides excellent crop safety with application flexibility from 28 days preplant up to 12-inch corn. Even in cool, wet conditions, Acuron is unlikely to injure corn when used according to the label.

      Acuron - Higher Revenue Potential.

      Higher Revenue Potential

      Outyields competitive herbicides by 5 to 15 bushels an acre because of its unique combination of powerful weed control, long-lasting residual and proven crop safety.

      Where to Buy

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