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Can you Guess the NK Hybrid?

Take the NK Hybrid Personality Quiz

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Ever wonder what a hybrid would be like if they were a real person? Well, look no further! Take this fun quiz to guess the NK® hybrids based on their “personalities.”


This hybrid is a true northerner; it loves itself a bottle of pop and a mean game of hockey. Don’t let its polite demeanor fool you, though. This hybrid has incredible drought tolerance and is tough on drydown. It’s also not afraid to slap shot the competition with a 10.1 Bu/A advantage over Pioneer® hybrids across 30 trials in Minnesota.


This hybrid is your typical All-American. As Carrie Underwood says, “someone he can take fishing, throw the football and be his pride and joy.” It’s a natural people pleaser that is broadly adapted across the entire Corn Belt and has a flexible trait offering. This key player grows up to be a champion; in 2021, it earned the highest yield of any FIRST Trial, with 297.7 Bu/A.


This hybrid is a bit of a free spirit. It fights vigorously against drought and consistently stays green. But its chill vibe is no match for competitors; across 23 trials in North Dakota, it outyielded the competition by 15.5 Bu/A.

These hybrids have outperformed the competition, and they
deserve a spot on your acre. Still looking for the perfect fit?
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And now for the big reveal: Hybrid 1 – NK9175 | Hybrid 2 – NK1082 | Hybrid 3 – NK8005

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