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Sharing Risk to Build Confidence

Syngenta Offers Personalized Weather Risk Protection through its new AgriClime Program

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NK Seeds can’t control the weather, but with Syngenta’s new AgriClime™ program, we can share weather-related risk with farmers who plant Syngenta products, including NK® hybrids and varieties. AgriClime technology tracks local precipitation and creates a local weather protection offer based on adverse weather events, such as drought and excess rainfall. Program participants can receive cash back on qualifying NK Seeds products if certain weather thresholds are surpassed or not met during the offer period.

Heather Volpe

“AgriClime is a weather risk-management program that provides farmers with a unique opportunity to offset weather-related risk based on their local, third-party weather data,” explains Heather Volpe, NK Regional Marketing Lead. “Farmers can plant with confidence knowing they’re not in it alone. Syngenta is willing to share the risk of extreme weather through this personalized offer and automated cash-back program.”

The agronomic solution is driven by 15-square-mile weather blocks and is based on a combination of 20-year historical weather data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) during key times throughout the growing season where adverse weather conditions could significantly impact crop performance. The agronomic data is tied to the participant’s Syngenta purchases, providing a unique, local weather protection offer.

Signing up is easy:

  1. Work with your local NK sales representative to enter your farm coordinates and qualifying NK Seeds products.

  2. Receive a personalized risk-protection offer that’s based on 20 years of local weather data.

  3. Weather results, along with any cash back on your offer, are shared at the end of the season.

“By offering drought management and early-season rainfall protection, we’re really partnering with farmers and sharing their risk through the growing season,” says Volpe.

“Weather may be unpredictable, but AgriClime allows us to provide a valuable digital solution that mitigates some of the risk associated with this unpredictability.”

For more information, contact your local NK sales representative.

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