- Replicated plot trials showed higher levels of total digestible nutrients for Enogen Feed silage
- October 25 webinar to discuss how dairy producers can improve profit potential with Enogen Feed silage
- More available energy can help increase the feed value of silage in a ration
University research shows Enogen Feed silage provides excellent starch digestibility and greater energy availability for dairy cattle. |
MINNETONKA, Minn., U.S.A., October 18, 2018 - Profitability in dairy production requires managing inputs and increasing efficiency regardless of milk price. University research has shown that one opportunity to improve profit potential is through rations with more available energy.1
A Farm Journal webinar on Thursday, October 25, will discuss these findings and how Enogen® Feed hybrids from Syngenta, fed as silage, can help dairy producers increase feed efficiency. Participants can register at www.dairyherd.com/resources/webinars. A recording of the webinar will be available after October 25 at this same link.
“Good corn silage is about 35 percent starch on a dry matter basis,” said Duane Martin, Ph.D., commercial traits manager for corn and soybean product marketing at Syngenta. “Because of the in-seed amylase technology in Enogen Feed corn, starch is easier for cattle to digest. Improved starch utilization can result in more available energy, and can help increase the feed value of silage in a ration.”
Research at leading universities and Rock River Laboratory demonstrates that Enogen Feed silage provides excellent starch digestibility through higher total starch and significantly more small particle starch than other corn hybrids. This has resulted in feed efficiency gains of five percent, on average, in research trials.2
Total digestible nutrients (TDN) is a measure of energy provided by feed components and includes the sum of digestible fiber, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate components of a ration. A higher level of TDN in silage means more available energy. A more digestible ration improves feed intake. 2017 university replicated plot trials showed higher levels of TDN for Enogen Feed silage than other hybrids, including BMR hybrids.3
“Higher energy, higher TDN silage allows nutritionists to put together rations with more energy that are better able to support the needs of the cow,” said Randy Shaver, Ph.D., Professor, Dairy Nutrition, Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “The response we’ve seen in research trials with Enogen Feed silage on TDN is largely coming through the starch side, with greater starch digestibility, which has resulted in improved feed efficiency. Increases in feed efficiency, through more available energy, can enable nutritionists to utilize higher energy in a variety of ways, including a potential reduction in feed costs.”
Kansas State University (KSU) research has also shown that Enogen Feed silage is less prone to spoilage, due to a higher level of acetate. In addition, silage in the KSU trial reached a lower pH level more quickly, which means high quality Enogen Feed silage may reach stability sooner and be less prone to spoilage than other silage.4
For more information about Enogen Feed hybrids, contact a Golden Harvest® Seed Advisor or NK® retailer, or visit www.EnogenFeed.com.
Join the conversation online – connect with Syngenta at Syngenta-us.com/social.
1, 2 Syngenta contract research, 2016.
3 MI State University, University of MN – Waseca, Pennsylvania State University and JG Ag Services,
LLC, 2017.
4 Kansas State University Research Study, 2017.
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