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Quilt Xcel Learning Module

Quilt Xcel



This tutorial explains what you need to know about managing plant stresses and fighting diseases for optimum yield. You'll learn about benefits you never knew a fungicide could provide.

  • Helps plants better manage stressful growing conditions, like drought or periods of too much water
  • Improves plant growth for extended grain/pod fill
  • Maximizes yield
  • Offers broad-spectrum preventive and curative disease control
Better manage stressful growing conditions
Maximize Yield
Plant Stress Management

Dry Conditions

  • Quilt Xcel has been shown to reduce transpiration (stomatal conductance). Plants release water vapor through the stomates, but Quilt Xcel helps close stomates to reduce this loss and thus reduce wilting.
  • Reducing stomatal conductance improves a plant’s water use efficiency.
Plant Stress Management

Dry Conditions

  • Quilt Xcel enables corn and soybean plants to counteract drought conditions and better translocate water and nutrients
Plant Stress Management

Dry Conditions

  • Quilt Xcel enables corn and soybean plants to counteract drought conditions and better translocate water and nutrients
Plant Stress Management

Dry Conditions

How does this help?

  • Plants are able to continue with growth and grain or pod fill with less water, because plants can use water more efficiently
  • In 2012, there was visibly less curling of Quilt Xcel-treated corn leaves in drought-stressed areas
Quilt Xcel outyielded untreated corn by 32 bu/A in severe drought conditions*.
Quilt Xcel (left) vs. untreated corn (right). Corn was located north of Grinnell, IA.
Plant Stress Management

Dry Conditions

Want to learn more about the water use efficiency benefits of Quilt Xcel?

Plant Stress Management

Wet Conditions

Quilt Xcel helps crops withstand the stress of wet growing conditions with:

  • Stronger, deeper root systems
  • Preventive and curative control of fungal diseases that thrive in wet conditions.
Treated (left) vs. Untreated corn (right)
Treated (left) vs. Untreated soybeans (right)
Plant Stress Management

More Growth

  • Quilt Xcel helps plants maximize the sun’s energy, allowing for longer periods of photosynthesis
  • Longer periods of photosynthesis lead to more crop growth and allow plants to continue with grain or pod fill for an extended period of time
  • More growth allows plants to reach canopy quicker for weed control assistance
Untreated soybeans (left) vs. Treated (right)
Untreated corn (left) vs. Treated (right)
Untreated corn (left) vs. Treated (right)
Plant Stress Management

Extended Grain or Pod Fill with Quilt Xcel

  • Corn ears grow bigger with more kernels around
  • Soybeans develop fuller pods with bigger beans and better pod retention
  • Cereals experience extended grain fill with fuller kernels and higher test weights
Did you know?

In corn, it only takes 2.5 additional kernels per ear to boost yields by 1 bu/A

Untreated corn (left) vs. Quilt Xcel (right)
Untreated is 135 pods and Quilt Xcel treated is 421 pods. Pod counts from four randomly selected plants per trial.
Plant Stress Management

Disease Control

  • Systemic movement of active ingredients within the plant’s xylem carries protection throughout the plant, even to new growth
  • Preventive and curative disease control offers a higher level of protection and application flexibility
  • With two modes of action, Quilt Xcel is a resistance management tool
Azoxystrobin: Translaminar and Systemic Movement
Protection is carried throughout the plant, even to new growth
Benefits in Corn

Stronger Stalks

  • Systemic movement of active ingredients within the plant’s xylem carries protection throughout the plant, even to new growth
  • Preventive and curative disease control offers a higher level of protection and application flexibility
  • With two modes of action, Quilt Xcel is a resistance management tool
Benefits in Corn

Convenient Timing Options

  • Quilt Xcel can be applied at the early (V4-V8) timing for early-season disease control, long-lasting stress management benefits and herbicide and insecticide tank-mixing options for one convenient pass across the field
  • Quilt Xcel can also be applied around R1 for additional disease control and stress management benefits
Benefits in Soybeans

Convenience for Growers

  • Tank mixes easily with Endigo® ZC insecticide for a one-pass application
  • Targets insects and diseases
  • Boosts yields by 17.8 bu/A over an untreated check*
Pods harvested from four randomly selected plants per trial.
Benefits in Wheat

Extended Grain Fill; Higher Test Weights

Added physiological benefits help ensure maximum grain fill and grower profit

  • Enables cereal crops to counteract conditions of too little or too much water and maximize the sun’s energy for extended grain fill with fuller kernels
  • Boosts yields an average of 9-11 bu/A
Benefits in Wheat

Broad-spectrum Disease Protection

Safeguards cereal crops against yield-robbing diseases, including rusts, powdery mildew, tan spot and Septoria

  • Can be tank mixed with herbicides to reduce number of trips across the field while preventing early-season disease infections
  • Shields the valuable flag leaf from disease when applied between Feekes Growth Stages 8 and 10.5
Stripe rust
Tan spot
Multi-Crop Benefits

Corn, Soybeans and Wheat

  • Quilt Xcel has multi-crop flexibility for use in corn, soybeans and cereals
  • Plus, it delivers proven, consistent performance with average yield results of:
    • Corn early (V4-V8): 6-8 bu/A
    • Corn around R1: 10-18 bu/A
    • Soybeans at R3: 4-8 bu/A
    • Wheat at flag leaf: 9-11 bu/A
Proven, consistent performance on corn and soybeans
Proven, consistent performance on wheat

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