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Meet Mike Schultz

Customers he had in his previous position still seek his advice on areas outside of what kind of seed to use. He has the knowledge, and he appreciates the trust of the people he calls on. Mike and his team are building short- and long-term plans that are specific for each retailer or grower. The short-term planning is geared toward introducing and creating excitement around the new NK portfolio, and ultimately getting an opportunity to place products on a growers farm. Then they can focus on a long-term plan with them, whether that involves trying an additional product or two the following year, or perhaps incorporating some trials on their farm so they can see firsthand what products are coming down the pipeline and be at the forefront. For Mike, it’s all about the touch points with customers. He follows  up with customers at critical stages of the growing season to make  sure things are looking as they should. He might call out specific  differences or attributes of an NK product versus the competition. Then, at the end of the season, his team follows up when the combines roll to see how the products performed. It’s that kind of knowledge and problem-solving that his customers find invaluable.
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