
Producing a high-yielding crop takes a lot of work, and this season, we want to celebrate the whole team effort.

We want to see the MVPs on your farm. Take part in our All Star season by sharing a photo of your All Star. It could be a valued piece of equipment, reliable herbicide, loyal pet, partner or herbicide applicator - Let's root for them together!

Submit a photo using #SyngentaMVP and tag @SyngentaUS

Each week, or inning, we'll send giveaways to participants

Syngenta will donate $1k to the hometown Little League® team of one winning entrant

Follow @SyngentaUS and @SyngentaMVP for weekly updates

All entries will be judged on creativity, photo quality, and engagement on submissions.

This contest will run on Twitter, officially starting May 2 and ending July 11