Ready to see more bushels in the bin?

Better Yield is the Better Deal™ is a performance-minded platform that gives you the flexibility to choose the most innovative and highest-performing crop protection products for your unique situation. These products give your corn, soybeans or wheat fields the horsepower they need to reach the finish line with maximum yield and profit potential. Set your operation up for long-term success using brands with proven yield bumps.

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Use the calculator below to find out how much more potential revenue you could gain by using our top-performing products. Choose your crop type, select a brand and enter in your acreage to reveal your better deal.

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Calculations based on live futures pricing data provided by Inc. Actual results will vary. Calculations are not a guarantee of similar results.




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Seeing is Believing

To prove our promise that Better Yield is the Better Deal™, we’re sharing real examples of clean, healthy fields and boosted yields. We've worked with growers across the U.S. to conduct on-farm trials with real results you can see. We've made them believers; can we convince you?

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Our bushel-boosting lineup

Select a brand below to see why it's unique.

5-15 bu/A more than any
other corn herbicide1

Thanks to four effective active ingredients, including bicyclopyrone, Acuron® corn herbicide controls tough, yield-robbing weeds other products miss — and better weed control means higher yield potential.

Acuron 3 qt/A
Resicore® 2.5 qt/A

Slater, IA; 2019. Photos taken 71 days after preemergence treatment.

Unmatched burndown and residual control of 70+ grass and broadleaf weeds (e.g., giant ragweed, jimsonweed, marestail (horseweed), morningglory, Palmer amaranth, velvetleaf and waterhemp) plus season-long residual and excellent crop safety helps Acuron fully protect yield potential.

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14 bu/A yield advantage in corn
over untreated fields2

Trivapro®, the hardest-working, longest-lasting corn, soy and wheat fungicide, protects yield potential with its preventive and curative control of rusts, leaf spots and blights.

Trivapro 13.7 fl. oz/A - 238 bu/A
Veltyma® 7 fl. oz/A - 226 bu/A

Columbia, MO; 2022. Photos taken 61 days after treatment.

The proof is in the performance. Extended disease control and plant-health benefits from Trivapro result in cleaner and greener corn with a measurable yield increase.

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13 bu/A yield advantage in
corn over untreated fields3

Miravis® Neo corn and soybean fungicide can help you see more green in your fields and in your wallet with broad-spectrum disease control and plant-health benefits.

Miravis Neo 13.7 fl. oz/A - 213 bu/A
Untreated - 192 bu/A

Berlin, WI; 2022. Photos taken 59 days after treatment.

Even in the presence of diseases like tar spot or drought conditions, Miravis Neo produces more bushels more often.

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11.6 bu/A yield advantage in wheat
over untreated fields4

Fueled by ADEPIDYN® technology, the highest-performing SDHI available, Miravis® Ace wheat fungicide delivers best-in-class Fusarium control and plant-health benefits long after spraying.

Miravis Ace 13.7 fl. oz/A - 82.2 bu/A
Untreated - 49.4 bu/A

Bay, AR; 2020. Diseases present: very heavy Septoria and trace Fusarium head blight.

Break free from less effective Fusarium fungicides and start seeing more bushels per acre at harvest with Miravis Ace.

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8 bu/A yield advantage versus other
corn herbicides5

Acuron® GT is the ultimate post-emergence corn herbicide, delivering faster knockdown, enhanced weed control and longer-lasting residual with the power of bicyclopyrone.

Acuron GT
3.75 pt/A +NIS +AMS
Armezon® PRO 20 fl. oz/A
+glyphosate 26.6 fl oz/A + AMS

Byron, MN; 2020 Syngenta trial with giant ragweed pressure. Photos taken 56 days after treatment.

Faster knockdown and enhanced control of 90+ species of yield-robbing grass and broadleaf weeds, including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, giant ragweed, morningglory, marestail (horseweed), giant foxtail, kochia, cocklebur and burcucumber, helps Acuron GT protect yield potential.

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8 bu/A yield advantage in
soybeans over untreated fields6

Miravis® Top fungicide guards your soybean yield with both powerful disease control and plant-health benefits, delivering more value and profit potential than competitor products.

Miravis Top - 73.1 bu/A
Untreated - 59.6 bu/A

Bay, AR; 2017. Diseases present: Frogeye leafspot, target spot and brown spot.

Unmatched disease control and plant-health benefits with Miravis Top equals more bushels at harvest.

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7 bu/A average yield increase in
soybeans over untreated fields7

Miravis® Neo corn and soybean fungicide can help you see more green in your fields and in your wallet with broad-spectrum disease control and plant-health benefits.

Miravis Neo
Pod Count: 111
Pod Count: 79

MN; 2017. Application at R1 timing.

Even in the presence of diseases like tar spot or drought conditions, Miravis Neo produces more bushels more often.

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4-5 bu/A yield advantage
compared to competitive
corn herbicide brands8

Storen® herbicide delivers weed control that won't quit with four powerful active ingredients, providing consistently clean rows up to three weeks longer than other leading corn residual herbicides.*

Storen 2.4 qt/A + atrazine 0.75 qt/A
Untreated Check

Ridgway, IL; 2022. Photos taken 60 days after treatment.

*Storen length-of-control advantage based on 2022 Syngenta and university-replicated trials comparing Storen to Resicore® and TriVolt®.

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4-5 bu/A yield advantage over
competitive soy herbicides9

Tendovo® herbicide raises the preemergence bar, combining unprecedented weed control and crop safety to deliver higher potential yield in soybeans.

1.75 qt/A
Zidua® PRO
6 fl. oz/A

Syngenta trial: HSM052B4; 2021. Photos taken 31 days after treatment.

Tendovo provides preemergence weed control of more than 70 yield-robbing grass and broadleaf weeds, including cocklebur, morningglory, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.

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3.1 bu/A yield advantage in
soybeans over ILEVO®10

Saltro® fungicide seed treatment offers superior Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) protection and robust nematode activity — without the early-season stress.


MN; 2019. Photos taken 14 days after planting.

With its upgraded SDS and soybean cyst nematode (SCN) protection, Saltro helps deliver stronger, healthier plants — and higher ROI potential.

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3-5 bu/A yield increase in moderate
to high Pythium pressure

Broad-spectrum CruiserMaxx® APX seed treatment delivers supercharged early-season disease and insect protection, giving seedlings the strongest possible start from day one.

CruiserMaxx APX
76.9 bu/A | 149,846 plants/A
Acceleron® Standard F/I
72.4 bu/A | 125,453 plants/A

Dixon, IL; 2021 Syngenta trials.

In addition to Pythium and Phytophthora, CruiserMaxx APX protects against Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, all common seed-borne diseases and early-season insect pests. Supercharged protection from day one means stronger and healthier plants with more yield potential.

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Here’s what the experts say

The results from the field don’t lie — hear it firsthand from these pros.
