New web resource has programs available for greenhouse and nursery crops
Programs reviewed and approved by technical experts
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GREENSBORO, N.C., USA, – Syngenta launched a new online resource for greenhouse and nursery growers containing rotation and agronomic programs for a variety of crops. The programs were developed for common and problematic insects and diseases, including downy mildew, Botrytis and powdery mildew, as well as aphids, whiteflies and thrips.
“There are many environmental conditions that can lead to favorable conditions for disease development and, sometimes, even the most rigorous sanitation programs and inspections can’t exclude all insects,” says Nancy Rechcigl, technical field manager at Syngenta. “With our programs, growers can plan ahead for the pests they might face and prevent plant damage and stress.”
Each agronomic program takes into account the diseases and insects that may affect a specific crop or group of crops during production. They contain a rotation that lists the products to use and rates to follow to control the targeted problems and prevent disruptions in production. The rotations include products with different modes of action to help manage resistance and preserve valuable chemistries.
“We developed these programs to help growers deliver high quality crops on time and on spec,” says Rechcigl. “Planning for the upcoming season helps growers stay ahead of problems, achieve economic efficiencies and produce high quality crops while also saving valuable resources.”
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Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources. Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, our 28,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown. We are committed to rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities. To learn more visit www.syngenta.com and www.goodgrowthplan.com. Follow us on X at www.twitter.com/Syngenta and www.twitter.com/SyngentaUS.
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